Welcome to our Network!

Soul Survivor Network is a network of survivors, cosurvivors, and allies directly supporting college students who are victims and survivors of sexual violence and interpersonal violence.

If you are a student who may need support, please reach out to soulsurvivornetwork@gmail.com. We can provide support and connect students to resources surrounding your education, mental and physical health, personal wellbeing, professional development, pursuing justice through your school or other means, or many other possibilities. Our services are fully remote and will be tailored to your needs, based on an initial consultation with us. To learn more about our services, check out Our Services.

If you know a student who may need support, we can provide consultation to you. We serve student cosurvivors as well as survivors, and will provide consultation to parents, friends, mentors, etc who want more information on how best to support a student.

If you are a community member who wants to learn more, check out our About pages to hear more about Our Story, our Mission, Vision, and Philosophy, and Our Team. If you’d like to get more involved, you can Donate or Become a Member. Membership is free. Your support helps us to directly support student victims and survivors, and joining our network helps us connect students to the resources that are right for them. We are so grateful that you’re here with us.