Our Services

In order to best support our community of victims, survivors, and cosurvivors, our services are confidential. 

If you are interested in any of the below services that we offer or would like to refer a student, please reach out via email to soulsurvivornetwork@gmail.com.


Whether you have a specific issue or situation that you’d like to have a private outside perspective on, you feel like you need something but you’re not sure what, or you are wondering which of our services would be the best fit for you, we are happy to provide consultation.

We can also provide consultation to those who are seeking information on how to best support a survivor in their lives as well as university employees or organizations who work with students and are seeking to be more mindful of student survivors.


Soul Survivor Network is invested in empowering and helping students navigate through their healing journey. We offer advocacy and support services to victims, survivors, and co-survivors of sexual violence and/or interpersonal violence.


An advocate can help with safety planning, discussing educational options, discussing and/or navigating through reporting systems, and more!


If you are having a difficult time supporting a victim/survivor, you can contact our advocate to discuss trauma-informed strategies and ways to empower your victim/survivor to heal. An advocate can help you with navigating through secondary-trauma experiences by discussing resources and options close to you. Remember… you can’t help others if you aren’t helping yourself! 


Mentorship is an opportunity to be connected with someone in our network who is invested in our students’ success. Mentors are buddies who are trauma-informed, and can help you connect with other members of their network, can be a listening ear, or can help you in your academic or career path. 

Care packages:

We send care packages to survivors for various reasons. Some examples may include, an upcoming student conduct hearing or legal proceeding, a tough anniversary, or other times that could be helped with some extra encouragement.

Creating a student organization:

We are not currently offering this service, but plan to do so in the future. Please join our network to stay up to date on updates surrounding when this service will be live.


We are not currently offering this service, but plan to do so in the future. Please join our network to stay up to date on updates surrounding when this service will be live.